About 111 Girls
Darbare 111 Dokhtar
- 7 Sep.(Sat.)10:10/Will Hall(L-code:40931)
- Aichi Premiere/Talk by Ms.Shohreh Golparian

- Iraq/2012/79min.
- Director:Nahid Ghobadi, Bijan Zamanpira
- Cast:Reza Behboodi, Mehdi Saki
- 字幕提供:東京フィルメックス
- Best Film Award PAFF 2013
The president of Iran receives a letter from a Kurdish woman, it says. ‘We can't find our husbands. If the government doesn't respond to this, 111 girls will die in a mass suicide.” A bureaucrat, Donyadideh, rushes around trying to clear it up. Depicting fantastically and humorously the hidden situation in Kurdistan behind the letter.