Sister Sister

Sister SisterTruong Binh Tuong / Muse Films

  • 3 Sep. Fri. 13:00 Will Hall
  • Drama
  • Vietnam / 2019 / 104 min.
  • Director: Kathy Uyen
  • Cast: Thanh Hang, Chi Pu, Lanh Thanh
  • Screening Supported by Osaka Asian Film Festival
  • Awards and Invitation:
  • 25th Busan International Film Festival – Window on Asian Cinema
  • 16th Osaka Asian Film Festival – ABC TV Award – New Action Southeast Asia
Thien Kim (Thanh Hang) is the impossibly rich and glamorous host of a popular radio show called “Midnight Confessions” where she acts as an agony aunt to anonymous callers who profess their deepest, darkest sins in the hope of redemption. One regular caller is a 20-year-old pregnant woman who goes by the name “Em Gai” (Chi Pu) who relates a tale of woe each night. One fateful night, while “Em Gai” is on air, she’s attacked and sexually assaulted by her drunken landlord and Kim races to her aid. After saving her life, Kim offers the woman sanctuary in her mansion, a move which is opposed by Kim’s husband HUY (Lanh Thanh) who is suspicious of this outsider but it’s all for naught because Kim feels sorry for the girl. Now that Em Gai has her hooks in their home, she does her best to seduce her rescuer…

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